Biju Gayu

Writer, teacher and academic blogger. Writes a social media trilogy. Forthcoming books: Myth of the Social Media Politics (Primus Books), Intimate Speakers (Fingerprint).Specializes on celebrity culture, political class, culture studies, business politics and technology.

The politics of education 2.0

The politics of education 2.0.


The 2.0 movement has now colonized structuaral barriers in educational sector. Now, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Blogger, etc., hold educational application. This means problems such as equity, access, quality, etc., in the educational scenario looks as if buried since specific user platforms. Thus an Education 2.0 has configured in connective spaces in India. Moreover, structural barriers, i.e., caste, gender, class, etc., in access to education, seem reducible by user platforms. This means the politics of education 2.0 is far reaching. At present, the educational demands of minorities, marginalized, rural, etc., beseem realizable if broadband connectivity, devices, etc., reaches the target population. In fact, the core argument is that Education 2.0 is the pedagogy of the oppressed. See, my article ‘The politics of education 2.0’ in Merinews by Biju P R

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This entry was posted on January 7, 2014 by .